Friday, August 27, 2010

Love Pt 2

“Long before there was man or the voice of mankind on the earth, there was music”.  –Swindoll.
“Come close listen to the story About a love more faithful than the morning The Father gave His only Son just to save us The earth was shaking in the dark All creation felt the Fathers Broken Heart Tears were filling Heaven's Eyes The day that True Love died, the day that True Love died When blood and water hit the ground Walls we couldn't move came crashing down We were free and made alive The day that True Love died, The day that True Love died Search your heart you know you can't deny it Come on, lose your life just so you can find it The Father gave His only Son just to save us’
Now I’m a huge fan of music. I’m always listening to it. Having contemplated my first blog on love as well as all the comments, I’m completely in awe, flabbergasted if you must. God’s love is THE SINGLE GREASTEST THING IN THE UNIVERSE! I wish I could scream it at each and every person all the time. It is His love that comforts, His love that guides us, His love that corrects us and trains us. It’s His love that became man that calls us out of the miry clay to be transformed into beautiful pottery for His kingdom. It is out of His great love that He died. I love the lyrics I posted on this one. My favorite one is that it is more faithful than the morning. Is it just me or do you begin to cry when you read it? The song is by Phil Wickham and the song is True Love. It’s such a beautiful melody. I love this metaphor in the second line. The one thing that everyone knows will be faithful, that tomorrow (God willing) will happen; the sun will rise as it always does every morning. Plans may be set but they could fall through. Unexpected things happen all the time and life is completely blank but the greatest faith we have about everyday life is that the sun will rise. However God’s infinite love is so much more than that. It is so much greater!
It is out of this love that we learn how to love as He. I was listening to a sermon one day and I’ve forgotten the topic but one of the key points was that to love like Christ is plainly put. 1 Corinthians 13 the “love” chapter talks all about love, yet never would I have thought that It is a foundation and the very blue print about how we are to love all. I feel the need to examine. “Love is patient”. So often we get bugged about things with people whether it be time constraint or they’re not showing enough passion at the moment or they’re just not who or where you would like them to be. However love takes a step back and says, Christ is ALWAYS patient with me, and out of my consuming love for Him I shall show my friend and other people the same love so that Christ may be seen through this love. “Love is kind”.  Love holds the door for other people. It helps an old lady cross the street. Love looks at the homeless, broken, “bad” people of this world and says you’re more than enough, you’re beautiful and I love you because Christ first loved you. Love takes the time to build others up. Think of the kindest thing someone has done for you. Think about how kind Christ is to us each and every day. All of the little amazing blessings God freely gives each and every day out of His overflowing kindness and love. That is the picture of kindness we should show to others out of our love for Him. “It does not envy”. Love says OH MY GOODNESS I’m so excited for you I wish you only the best and I wish for you blessings WITHOUT ever saying, I wish I had that or they don’t deserve that they didn’t work hard enough etc.” It rejoices! Honestly no one deserves anything. As people we are entitled to absolutely nothing except death and destruction. All good things flow from God Himself. “it does not boast, it is not proud”. Boasting isto puff oneself up in speech: speak vaingloriously( However we have nothing to boast about. It is by faith that we are saved! Love doesn’t boast and isn’t proud. It knows that without Christ’s death and resurrection, without clinging to the truth that Christ is Lord over our lives, we are nothing, damned to hell for all eternity. It is out of that love that we show others the love of Christ. What type of Jesus would the world see if, instead of talking about our 401k, retirement plan, life insurance, amount of money we make, what type of tv we have, and what not, if the love we showed the poor and homeless ended up costing us most of what we have so they could have a warm bed, warm food in their stomach, that didn’t come from a dumpster, a warm coat on cold days and a fireplace to sit next to while its raining or snowing while playing scrabble and enjoying fellowship. I’ve recently been reading Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. I started this blog back in February and now finishing it I have a greater passion and fire that this is lived out. We as humans were made to love. Love all as Christ loves us. The more and more love we give, the deeper out hearts become for others, the more we give ourselves away, the more we are filled with Christ’s love. It is never ending. I love the verse right before this passage that says,” 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,but have not love, I gain nothing.” I challenge all, even myself every day to truly ponder what it means to love selflessly with the love of Christ. What are ways that you can live this out a little more everyday.
Also EVERYONE needs to read Irresistible Revolution. This book has seriously made my walk deeper and my heart restless in every way possible. The kingdom of God is here and now. When are we going to start living like Christ is coming back?

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