Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thoughts as of lately.

I recently started reading Jesus for President by Shane Claiborne. What an amazing book. I read a part that struck me between the eyes and ever since, I have not been able to deal with myself. It speaks of the different prophets in the old testament and tells the stories of their strange ways of getting Israel to turn their attention back to God. I find Jeremiah's story the most interesting simply because there are no miracles involved, no amazing miraculous defeats, no fire from a rock or staying alive in the lions den or even walking in fire unharmed. Instead, Jeremiah used a yoke and wore it for days to symbolize imperial captivity and Ezekiel pulled off a nude protest and John the baptist ate lotus and wore camel skin clothes. All of these prophets have certain amazing things in common. They completely rejected societies ideals and norms to be outrageously in love with Jesus. They didn't care if they were publicly humiliated or cast out of their homes, all that mattered was that they were reaching the people with the news of the kingdom of God and His amazing grace and everlasting life they did whatever it took. It makes me wonder what it would take to get the public's attention that there is such a different world that can be imagined. Where love is the only answer anyone needs and peace is the currency that drives relationships all over the globe. In his book, Claiborne says of these prophets, "Yes, the prophets are weird. It can embarrass us to read of their antics, but what they do is not nearly as embarrassing as the things we do. which their actions expose so we can see that another future is possible". It asks the question of how far would you go to let those around us know that there is another world possible. There is another future that can happen. There are people out there who are in love with this new world so much so that they are making a change in their community. Would you be willing to look like a fool to show the foolishness of the "American dream"? It takes more than one act of kindness to stir a revolution but it starts with an act of love that turns into the revolution of love that could change the normal perspective of reality and see what life is truly like. Jesus died so that we may live the best life possible. We are supposed to be in this world and not of it. We are not able to serve two masters at one time. There is reference all through out scripture about how the kingdom of God is upon the earth and is alive and thriving. May we be so bold of a generation that we would take a stand to show others that there is freedom and that another world of beauty, love, compassion and freedom is possible, and here! There are so many amazing things that are happening everyday. Open your eyes and be amazed.

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