Saturday, October 30, 2010

This may offend you.

I can't keep this in anymore. This country is great. It has freedom. However, with all this freedom it seems as if we have lost the power of the gospel. Churches preach how Jesus died and rose again.They constantly tell their congregations usually the same watered down message week after week. There is no supernatural complete transformation. They say that you are blessed by God if you read your bible everyday, go to church every Sunday, listen to Christian music, the list goes on. But this is not what scripture teaches at all. Jesus says those who are poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, those who are persecuted. They are the ones who are blessed. Now if you believe in God and truly live for Him, yes God does bless you and romances your heart in the most beautiful ways. But as the body of Christ, most American Christians are doing a downright awful job in my opinion. I love everyone but where is the taking upon the burdens of others on yourself.Where is the dying to your earthly desires so that the Spirit may truly live in you. 
Most people desire the American dream. Don't get me wrong, it could be nice, but where in the American dream does it speak of selling all you have because you have come upon the kingdom of heaven? Where is love? Where is forgiveness? Where is giving God His tithe? Where is your faith? Yes you have a savings account worth so much, you can buy food when you want, you have many blankets, you have things, so many things you can fill a house. But what about the homeless person sleeping on the bench downtown. Or the orphan who has no choice in becoming a prostitute because she just needs something to eat. Jesus said,what you do for the least of these you do for me. I ask you if you are the actual body of Christ and love the true Church as Christ  intended ( just as a group of passionate believers united with Christ in love) then where is your love for those overseas in the communist countries who are endlessly beaten for their faith. The love for the old man who sits on the side of the road asking for a quarter so he can have something to eat because he probably hasn't eaten in days. Where is the love for the ones who don't know Christ who you see everyday but don't ever say anything to them about Christ. Where is your love for your fellow believer when they have wronged you in a terrible way? What does your heart break for? What is the desire of your heart?
I do not wish to condemn a single person at all or ever, that is not my heart, but it's just so heart breaking that in communist countries such as China the underground Church is so persecuted. Their pastors are consistently put into a torturous prison. However after many years of the most depressing prisons ever, they risk their lives again and again so that another person may come to know Christ. Yet in America we see the same people everyday, and it doesn't bother us at all whether or not they know where their neighbor will spend eternity. 
I guess all I want to truly convey is what are the desires of your heart? Why is the norm to be a Christian but if you desire to be a radical Christian you are looked down upon? Jesus tells the parable of the wheat and the tares. It is possibly the most beautiful parable not because of anything else but the fact that everyone looks the same, but its what is on the inside that determines where they will spend eternity. 
Like I stated earlier, I wish to judge no one, that is God's position only, but I do plead that you examine your own heart with me as I consistently examine mine. Ask yourself where your true desires lie. Would you be willing to be a radical Christian and accept giving up material things for the eternal. Would you risk looking like a fool for Christ? Would you risk your life for love?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Simple Things.

It still amazes me how much God truly cares for the little things. For a month now I have been wanting to have a homeless outreach day. So I had asked people if they wanted to join and tried to get food organized so that the homeless could experience love. However a month of only semi planning it (mainly because my work and school schedule took up to much of my time), the week came to when I wanted to go. That Wednesday and Thursday all the people that wanted to go and the friends I was going to spend time with in Houston had all canceled. So I still decided to drive up to see one of my friends before they went off for a camping trip. That morning I randomly packed 3 sandwiches and had more than enough food but thought I would stay for a while. However while stuck in downtown Houston, I just wanted to give the food to at least one homeless person and show them love. Thinking my plans were ruined I still went to see my friend. I finally arrived at my destination and was trying to find a candy shoppe, when randomly there was a homeless man who I was able to give the two uneaten sandwiches to. My heart was filled, and hopefully his tummy was too! Then to make things even better. I stopped at Starbucks to wait out rush hour traffic. I was meditating upon His complete goodness and care for the small things. I was desiring a good cup of coffee, read some of Acts and really wanted some fellowship. Turns out that God had such an idea. I entered into a marvelous conversation with one of the baristas and she was telling me all these marvelous stories of how she as a single woman would walk along the streets of Chicago unarmed and alone. She would experience the life of homelessness in one of the worst places but she was completely safe. It was just all so wonderful. God cares so much about the little things. He desires our hearts and romances them in every way possible. How Great is He and worthy of all praise.